A Love Letter to Business Leaders

To you,

As a business leader who has a deep purpose and drive to act, to propose, to create something new, something better - but who gets overwhelmed by the urgency, the science, and the human structures that hinder progress and innovation…we see you. 

You have a deep sense of knowing that true abundance and real solutions reside within the intelligence and wisdom of healthy Living Systems.

We, too, see a world where Businesses become a Force for Life:

  • contributing to drinkable rivers, vital soils, bio-diverse ecosystems, and valued land and water stewards;

  • supporting systemic and place-based indicators, eco-efficient technologies, bioregional currencies and  living systems-based algorithms;

  • belonging to thriving communities that have a sense of awe and wonder, a high respect for native rituals, and a deep connection to art, water, wind and whales. 

With much love and appreciation for you, we respond to our own calling to honor Water’s Life-conducive flows, while enhancing your businesses Life-conducive value.

To Life,



Money as Water: Reflecting on the Current Financial/Economic System with Water